The idea is to be brave…..not perfect…..Is to be resilient …..not flawless. Confident , not complete
The best athlets don’t train to be perfect .They train to tolerate discomfort.  If you can’t adjust , You loose
Life will never conform to your plan ,and people don’t want to hear that . They remain stubborn , unchanged 
and what they are left with is resentment and the feeling that they’ve been slighted by life
The person who plans for the perfect race will always be outdueld by the one who comes prepared to conquer its imperfection
If you can’t embrace the idea of being knocked down then get out 
If you are too proud to acknowledge that your plans aren’t an instruction manual you will be defeated 
There is a saying that you can’t control the wind but what you can do is adjust yourself
Strong minds win because they don’t succumb to events beyond their control and that choice is always going to be there 
You didn’t plan for this but the decision presents itself 
Will it be the reason you fail or the reason you succeed ??